Action Emotional Health

9 Things You Should Delete From Your Life Immediately

Some things take WAY too much of your energy and here are 9 things you should delete from your life immediately!

Long life is a short ride. Things happen so fast that we barely have the influence to change them. How we react to the changes, and the proactive choices that we make determines our future.

Many of us fall in emotional or physical traps. These traps prevent us from improving ourselves on personal and professional level. For example, if you focus on things that you don’t have, how will that turn out for you? Not so good, right?

However, there is a fix for these things, and it starts within ourselves.

Here are 9 things you should delete out of your life immediately:


Let’s expand what we just mentioned above.

Too many people focus on what they don’t have, right? I can even get myself caught in this trap too.

Bigger house, yacht, boats, exclusive vacations, more money… the list can go for days.

By focusing on things you don’t have you create a vortex for your energy. It is of vital importance to focus your energy on things you CAN do. No matter how small steps you take, each step will get you closer to the goal, even closer to the things you still don’t have.

Be grateful, truly grateful for what you have right now because what you have is SCIENCE FICTION for some people that don’t even have access to clean water.


Welcome failure, champs! Failure is the best teacher that will tutor you through life.

Too many people don’t do things because they are afraid to fail, and there can’t be growth without failure. Just like there can’t be happiness without sadness and joy without sorrow.

As a matter of fact, many people mistake fear with danger. The difference is pretty simple: if a lion charges at you, you have a real danger to be afraid. Many people confuse that it’s “dangerous” to go up on stage and speak, or ask some people for advice. Fear is just a made-up emotion we use to cave in and justify why we can’t do something.


These things don’t exist. Period.

Yes, the feeling is warm and cozy when you wrap around a warm blanket at home. You can order whatever you want and you’ll get it on your doorstep in no time.

What we fail to realize is that one day we are going to die. If you are okay with dying without making big, positive impact to the world, your family and those around you, then risk-taking and excitement is not for you.

Must-Read: Nurse Revealed The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying


Are you afraid of being alone? Let me break it to you: it’s x10 better to be alone then waste your time in toxic relationships.

This doesn’t include romantic relationships only. It includes friends, relatives and co-workers.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you spend your time with 5 sh*tty friends, you will be the 6th.

Surround yourself with people that will support you. They don’t have to “adore” you and “compliment” you while they throw tons of s*it behind your back. Simply, they need to make you feel better when you leave their presence, not worse.


Don’t expect someone to tap your shoulder every time you do something. I was personally lonelier than a nomad! Seven years back, I started working online, completely alone! No one believed in me, people talked behind my back and my family was telling me to get a “real” job. If I waited for a tap on the shoulder, I would end up working 9-5 job that I hate.

Don’t let the support that you don’t receive make you forfeit from your dreams.


Everywhere I go people talk about other people. And what’s even worse is that those same people that gosip and FAR from perfect themselves. And when I say far I mean continents far!

Small minded people talk about other people, average minds discuss about events, and big minded people talk about ideas.

Don’t do it because everyone else does it. Change the conversation, start a positive narrative. Most people wouldn’t accept you because you don’t fill their empty mouth that feeds with shallow judgement. It’s okay to be alone for a while, until the right people gravitate in your life, and believe me… they will!


People have a hard time accepting this, and you might be one of them too: you are the only one that should be blamed for your failures. Your childhood and your past do not define your future.

It is entirely true to say that we are carved by the events in our past, but it’s also true to say that your identity is ever changing! You have the wheel to steer your life in whatever direction you want.

If you focus on finding excuses instead of solutions, I will tell this straight to your face: you are going to end up as a failure and a miserable person.

Remember – when you point your finger at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you.


I was stuck in this trap for a long time…

My previous mindset was that I thought that if I earned a number “say 12.000$ a month” that I made it! I can lie on the beach with an icy cold margarita next to me for the rest of my life. That was one of the biggest mistakes (and best teacher) that taught me that it’s very wrong to think in terms of end result.

Instead, we should acknowledge that what we do is never-ending! For people who chase comfort and safety this might be a little too much to handle, but I can assure you that if you see your life as a journey instead of an end goal, you will have an amazing shift of perspective for the better.

You won’t chase something that would end, but you would enjoy the course of events as they go.


I read something the other day that really changed my life and you really need to pay attention to this: your past is your teacher, and it will never go away until you learn the lesson.

How mind-blowing is that!! I imagine this like an old person looking down at me repeats a sentence that I should engrave in my mind.

My mother passed away when I was 18 years old and that moment was really haunting me for a long time.

Fast forward years later, I finally realized that I am truly grateful to her for making me the person that I am today and that part of her will never die. It took me 10 years to finally realize that, and I feel so much relieved ever since. I only have gratefulness and appreciation for making me this stubborn dude that never wants to give up.

Don’t avoid your past, but look right through your painful memories and truly, from the bottom of your heart, try to learn the lesson that will help you out in the present and future.

I don’t want to remind you again, but if you are healthy and have a roof over your head, you are way ahead of most people in the entire world. Do not miss a single day appreciating that.

Read After: Mentally Strong People Never Do These 6 Things

Emotional Health

Kim Ung-yong, The Man With the Highest IQ Has a Powerful Message That Will Change The Way You Think

Yep, geniuses are born these days too! I even think that today, more than ever, we have the highest number of geniuses being born every year, but it’s not wrong to say that today we have school systems that are dumbing us down and prevent us from flourishing, even as an ordinary human being with normal IQ.

One genius (since he wore diapers) broke the chains and raised above the systems. Kim Ung-Yong is a South Korean civil engineer that displayed astonishing level of intelligence shortly after his birth, March 8, 1962.

He was also listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the man with the “Highest IQ.” What’s even more genius than the man himself is the thing that he shared with the world about the key to happiness. He told us what really matters…


Kim Ung-Yong was born in Gangneung, Gangwon, South Korea. He started speaking when he was 6 months old and was able to read Korean, Japanese, English, German and many other languages by his second birthday. By the time he was four, his father claimed that his son Kim Ung-Yong had memorized about 2000 words in both English and German. He was writing poetry in Korean and Chinese, and wrote two short books of essays and poems (less than 20 pages).

At age four, he scored over 200 on an IQ test normally given to seven-year-olds.

Read After: Psychologists Reveal: Apply This 2-hour Rule and Your Life Will Change 180°

Kim Ung-Yong mastered algebra at a very early age.

Geniuses cannot go unseen. That’s exactly why NASA took Kim Ung-yong under their wings at the age of 8. In the beginning he was learning the rookie stuff, but in 1974 he began working alongside with the most brilliant minds. He spent almost a decade at NASA.

When you feel something isn’t right, it usually isn’t. This is what happened to Kim Ung-yong at NASA. He pushed himself to the limit year after year, and yet he felt emptier than ever. He felt void consumed by working the “robotic life” as he called it. “At that time, I led my life like a machine – I woke up, solved the daily assigned equation, ate, slept, and so forth. I really didn’t know what I was doing, and I was lonely and had no friends,” he says.

At the age of 16 in 1978 he went back to South Korea. People, no different than any majority around the globe, started calling him “a defective genius.” After receiving criticism from the public, he decided to continue his education at a local university.

As of 2007 he served as adjunct faculty at Chungbuk National University. In March 14, 2014, he became associate professor in Shinhan University, and became vice president of North Kyeong-gi Development Research Center.


People often talk about very high IQ scores, often referred to as genius IQ scores, but what exactly do these numbers mean and how do they stack up?

A Breakdown of IQ Scores

The average score on an IQ test is 100. These labels are often given for IQ scores:

  • 1 to 24: Profound mental disability
  • 25 to 39: Severe mental disability
  • 40 to 54: Moderate mental disability
  • 55 to 69: Mild mental disability
  • 70 to 84: Borderline mental disability
  • 85 to 114: Average intelligence
  • 115 to 129: Above average or bright
  • 130 to 144: Moderately gifted
  • 145 to 159: Highly gifted
  • 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted
  • 180 and up: Profoundly gifted

IQ tests use a standardized scale with 100 as the median score. On most tests, a score between 90 and 110, or the median plus or minus 10, indicates average intelligence. A score above 130 indicates exceptional intelligence and a score below 70 may indicate mental retardation.

Simply put, IQ tests are designed to measure your general ability to solve problems and understand concepts. This includes reasoning ability, problem-solving ability, ability to perceive relationships between things and ability to store and retrieve information. IQ tests measure this general intellectual ability in a number of different ways.


For Kim, having IQ was not always a gift. He missed many ordinary things in his childhood. Without human relationship, Kim says “that’s no life at all.”

“People always try to be somebody special by neglecting their ordinary happiness. But they should know happiness means ordinary things that we take for granted, such as nourishing friendships, sharing memorable moments with friends at school and so on…I couldn’t have these things even if I wanted to. This is why I know that what I’m saying is important,” Kim said.

Kim’s message is loud and clear: “Being special is not as important as living an ordinary life.”

Action Emotional Health

Mentally Strong People Never Do These 6 Things

No, mentally strong people don’t have big biceps or pretty, sharp face. Mentally strong person can be 130 pounds man with a resilience of an ant. It can also be a 110 pound woman that is quieter than the anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis.

With so much information out there, sometimes it looks unbearable. Worldwide pandemic is soaring while they’re bombarding us with “second wave” pandemic this winter. Parents are getting fired and families are starving. There is so much going on that we can’t even begin to think positive about something.

However, let me break it all to you. A single person has the power to change the entire world. The willingness and desire we have can pierce through mountains and make create new roads when they don’t exist. We can pave the jungles, beat the unbeatable and create things that don’t exist! Each and every one of these things were made by mentally strong people who refused to back down.

If Thomas Edison said f*ck it and threw the project for the light bulb in his first failed attempt, we would still light up candles in the night. He had over 1.000 failed attempts to invent the light bulb. Can you even imagine?! We don’t even have the patience to count to 1.000!

Whenever you are on the brick to giving up, just remember that mentally strong people would never do these 6 things:

Mentally Strong People Never Do These 6 Things
Whenever you are on the brick to giving up, just remember that mentally strong people would never do these 6 things. Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash


Yes, every sane person would say that things are not going well around the globe, especially after the pandemic at the beginning of this year. But if you are healthy and breathing, sitting on your phone or PC, you have a lot more than most people!

Things can be a lot worse then they are right now for you as individual and for the world in general. If you just Google the deadliest world events, you will be realize of how lucky you are right now.

As humans, we have the tendency to think negative and find what’s not right about our situation in this exact moment. That’s not necessarily bad because we are naturally pushing ourselves to take action and improve. But I’ve come with a solution that can make you think positive and push yourself to do better. I strongly suggest you to read this article after this one and answer the self-reflection questions I have posted there.


You can really explain this with a single phrase: don’t do it, it’s a one way street.

Every time you compare yourself to others, you waste precious energy focusing on other peoples’ lives rather than your own. Comparisons often result in resentment towards others and ourselves. Comparisons deprive us of joy.

When you put your mind on other person, you deplete yourself of the energy that can help you improve yourself on personal and professional level.

Comparing is often materialistic and yes, while it’s better to cry in a Ferrari, materialistic things cannot make you happy. Period. Studies even confirm it.

The pursuit and purchase of physical possessions will never fully satisfy our desire for happiness. It may result in temporary joy for some people, but the happiness found in buying a new item rarely lasts longer than a few days. Researchers even have a phrase for this temporary fulfillment: retail therapy.


It’s been few months since my grandfather died, but I will always remember what he said one day. He rushed in my room, looked at my PC when I was struggling to write or fix something on my website and told me: nephew, you have to go out and find a job. You should stop playing these games all day. I laughed the crap out of me that day because I kind of realized that people around me, especially older relatives, will never appreciate what I do. Well, not until I brought 54.000$ at home one month (which I explain how in my VIP Hall Pass membership and my course).

I used to struggle for 2 years not knowing if I was going to make a buck or not. Friends were talking behind my back, my family was against each bit of what I did but I never, not once, gave up on my dream.

The reason why I am saying this is because I know that you can do whatever you want to do, as long as you have burning desire and resilience to do it.

People will always be against you, especially in the beginning. Do not let this ruin your process and make you wave your white flag.


Seriously, today the world is so volatile that you can barely control global things. If your business was physical, you’d be broke after what happened with the world this year.

Every regular Joe would bump his head in the wall, but not mentally strong people.

We really have 2 options available: either cry and find excuses why bad things only happen to us, or adapt to the situation and even improve a lot more than before.

When you really think about your life, you can be struck by very great and on the contrary, horrible things, but how you act upon those changes will determine the outcome of your life.


I read something the other day that really changed my life and you really need to pay attention to this: your past is your teacher, and it will never go away until you learn the lesson.

How mind-blowing is that!! I really see it like an old person above my head repeating a sentence that I should engrave in my mind.

My mother passed away when I was 18 years old and that moment was really haunting me for a long time.

Fast forward years later, I finally realized that I am truly grateful to her for making me the person that I am today and that part of her will never die. It took me 10 years to finally realize that, and I feel so much relieved ever since. I only have gratefulness and appreciation for making me this stubborn dude that never wants to give up.

Don’t avoid your past, but look right through your painful memories and truly, from the bottom of your heart, try to learn the lesson that will help you out in the present and future.

I don’t want to remind you again, but if you are healthy and have a roof over your head, you are way ahead of most people in the entire world. Do not miss a single day appreciating that.


I think this is the MOST important step of all, and I put it last because I want you to self-reflect on all 6 things after this.

Major changes require drastic measures. I know that there is a thing right now that you don’t like about your life. Just take a second and think about that. I am not going anywhere.

Okay, now that you know what’s the thing that doesn’t fit in your life, now brainstorm ideas that will help you change that thing. Let me help you out.

The people that you surround yourself with have A LOT to do with how your life will untangle. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you are surrounded with negative and pessimistic people, do not expect you to be any different.

I would highly suggest you to change your environment. For me it worked by putting myself in quarantine 7 years ago (before it was cool) and separating from all the negativity around me. By avoiding most contact with people helped me realize who I was. Drastic changes were made and stunning outcomes were created.


No matter your circumstance or situation, the way you react on things defines you as an individual. Remember: not the things that happen to you, but how you act upon the things that happen to you.

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Action Emotional Health

Toxic Positivity: Why Being Positive All The Time Can Break And Destroy You

In this moment I can think of a very devastating and shocking situation that changed the entire course of my life: the death of my mother.

I remember the frustration, sadness and emptiness I felt when I heard the dreadful news. She had cancer in the 4th stage and it was expected, but when you are 18 years old you just cannot accept that. You feel like the world is unfair to just people.

When she passed away, I got a lot of messages from people sending thoughts and prayers, but very few just didn’t seem like they were in place. One particular message really got me pissed. It was “keep it positive, things will be better.” I was pissed almost instantly. There is no way someone thinks that I will be positive after what happened. Do they even realize what just happened?! I didn’t feel better. I felt worse. This is what I call toxic positivity.

Here are some examples of toxic positivity:

  • Feeling bad, guilty, or shameful for how you feel.
  • Putting on a “mask” to the world when you feel completely different inside.
  • Ignoring, hiding, downplaying, or dismissing your emotions or real feelings.
  • Pretending everything is okay when it’s not.
  • Minimizing others’ emotions.
  • Shaming people for having negative emotions.
  • Invalidating someone’s experience by not acknowledging the real issue/pain/frustration.

I am a firm believer in positive psychology and all the perks and benefits from it, but sometimes being positive is not the answer. As a matter of fact, it can ruin and destroy your mood more than it already is.

I can credit positive psychology for taking me in this place that I am right now, or looking at the things a lot better than they were before they even happened.

However, positivity is not going to cure it all.

Optimism is not helpful when it makes people feel guilt, shame, or invalidated in a way.

Positivity is not positive when it invalidates, denies, or minimizes authentic human emotions.

Stoicism is not brave or courageous when it forces you to stuff down your real, true emotions and be inauthentic with what you really feel.

Perspective is not supportive when it marginalizes your experience.

This pandemic is making a huge changes to human experience over the world. We need to separate, limit and divide the connection between us. I really feel like the source of humanity is being taken away and I am not blaming anyone for this. We are doing this to protect ourselves.

Not to mention that millions of people were left without jobs, many families cannot feed their newborns. I cannot say “how” this situation occurred and who f*cked up the entire world, but things are not positive right now. Positivity will not find the cure or stop the worldwide pandemic. Here’s what’s going to stop it.

Your emotions are call to action

My perspective was changed in an instant! How would you handle your emotion if you knew that they are your calls to action?! If you are depressed, it means that you should take a course of action and feel better. If you are bored you’re probably lying in bed and watching Netflix for 5 hours, and you need to stand up and do something to feel better.

However, saying it so lightly cannot really make a change, right? Depressed people cannot find the motivation to stand up and do something. They get way too deep in the nothingness until their life simply makes no sense. So here’s an example that always helps me:

When I feel like I’m getting frustrated, obstructed or simply bored, I move! Yes, I simply move. I walk for 15 minutes, I do jumping jacks for 2 minutes or just run in place. This may seem like a strange thing to do, but I get out of those undesirable emotions immediately! Even if I don’t want to, I still do it, no matter how unmotivated I feel in that moment. I know that after only few minutes I’ll feel better.

Humans are creatures of movement. Just look at our history: hunters, gatherers, warriors, and soldiers. We have evolved to move and the rise of technology is slowly taking that away from us. Now, technology is inevitable, and people will be even more sedentary in the next few years, but no one can take our desire to move and exercise.

The reason why I am saying all of this is because taking action is the cure. Being positive is a great thing in most situations, don’t get me wrong. But being positive all the time is bullsh*t. As a matter of fact, I made a video about this topic:

Bottom Line:

Champs, be truly happy that we have this freedom right now. Thousands of years ago, every day was a struggle to survive. What we have now cannot be paid with a thousand castles long time ago. The comfort and freedom is way too much. Don’t take that for granted and don’t avoid moving your body – the only temple that you have.

Most of all, listen to your emotions and take action. Don’t be blindly positive because it can truly cause harm in the wrong state of mind.

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Action Emotional Health Science & Psychology Success

World’s Leading Psychiatrist Reveals The Top 22 Tips To Shift Your Life Upside Down

Throughout history, many individuals were able to change the entire course of development. People were influenced, countries were changed and even the world as we know it, thanks to some of the greatest minds of our time. Their ideas were revolutionary, influencing the entire world along with the leaders that controlled it.

One of the greats, is believed to be the Russian psychotherapist, psychologist and author Michail Litvak. Writing a total of 30 books on the topic of popular and practical psychology throughout the course of his career, totaling over 5 million books in circulation, along with a large number of scientific articles on important topics in the psychotherapy and psychology fields, Litvak has influenced experts around the globe.

One of his theories focused on relationships, conflict and conflict resolution was called ‘Psychological Aikido.’ This specific technique focused on providing its practitioners with a number of principles and rules to consider in every situation of human interaction, empowering them to better handle situations of conflict head-on should they arise.

People were influenced, countries were changed and even the world as we know it, thanks to some of the greatest minds of our time.
World’s Leading Psychiatrist Reveals The Top 22 Tips To Shift Your Life Upside Down

We’ve taken out the most important tips shift your life from this outstanding individual:

1. If all your actions are well planned, happiness will naturally follow.

2. Learn to live for yourself. Otherwise, you’ll always be trying to prove yourself to others, and you will be living for them.

3. You can never please every single person. And if you don’t stop trying, then you are preparing yourself for huge failure.

4. Both immature and mature people have knowledge. But for those who are immature, the application of this knowledge is not easy whereas the mature person utilizes it and converts it into action. This is the reason the former cannot do anything much, other than criticizing everyone else.

5. Nobody discards people. It is just that not everyone moves at the same pace and some move ahead sooner.

You will also like: Your Life Will Change 180° If You Let Go Of These 20 Mental Barriers

6. If you want to daydream, fantasize about things which are realistic and goals which can be achieved. This way you will not lose your drive.

7. Instead of spending your time with a shallow person in the name of company, invest it in a book. It will be more entertaining as well.

8. Someone who can’t praise themselves will inevitably start criticizing others. And this is when they have nothing much to talk about.

9. The idea that there is a difference between male logic and female logic is illogical in itself. You are either wise or you’re not.

10. If people try to make you feel guilty or grateful for their help, it is better that you pay them off for their services and let them go.

11. Someone who is really happy within himself wouldn’t find it necessary that others should think really good about him or her too.

12. Your biggest enemy is not someone lurking in the shadows, waiting for you to slip up. Your biggest enemy is you and facing this enemy can be really tough.

13. If you really have an uncontrollable urge to dig into things, dig into the details of philosophy or science, not into each other’s back.

14. Do not pay attention to insults and criticisms. The day you finally achieve your goals, none of the rest would matter.

15. If you really crave something in life, don’t wait around and definitely don’t ask for permission to have it. Rather try to become the one who can control this thing.

16. Happiness is not something that you chase after. It will not be found hidden in the great outdoors’ nook and cranny. It comes from deep within you and can only be achieved when you learn contentment.

17. Talking to your friends is a good thing no doubt. But when you talk with those who are your enemies, you learn so many new things. Your own shortcomings are just a few of the things. It is rather better to listen to your enemies, than friends.

18. Depression is bad, and frightful and hard. But it is also an opportunity to look deep within yourself. And find out what are the things that have been driving you forward or turning away.

19. If you are in a relationship, be it that of romantic inclination, or a business partnership, you should never break it off, unless you feel that your own growth has been suffocating and not able to take off when you were part of the said relationship.

20. When you try to talk to someone, don’t be afraid, they might actually think favorably of you.

21. If you are alone, especially if you face loneliness after love, it means you are mature and grown spiritually. Also, being alone sort of enhances our productivity.

22. Never be too selfish of your own happiness. When you share it with your friends it enhances your happiness by making them happy. When you share it with your rivals, they just have to deal with the idea that you are better than them.

Action Emotional Health

The Top 37 Things You Will Regret When You’re Old


1. Staying in touch with your friends

This is one of the top 5 regrets of the dying (revealed by a nurse). People on their deathbed told the nurse that they wish they stayed in touch with their friends. It’s still not late for you to connect!

2. Staying in toxic relationship

Relationship has a way to grow on you, no matter how good or bad it is. Don’t let it consume you up to the point that your quality of life is compromised, or completely destroyed.

3. Not traveling when you had the chance

The recent events of the global situation was a wake-up call for this one. Traveling when you get older becomes harder, especially when you are 2+2 or 2+1. You are also gonna need more finances with your family.

4. Not learning another language

I wish I’d known earlier that every new language is a treasure. If I only paid attention to those Spanish classes…

5. Missing the concert of your dream artist

I had a chance to go to M.J.’s concert when I was younger, but I didn’t and he passed away. Do not let it happen to you.

6. Failing to be in shape

When you realize that your body is one with your mind, and that you can actually feel happier, fulfilled and more confident when you exercise, you will shed a new light on fitness activity. Not to mention your health will drastically improve.

7. Working something you hate

Like a bad relationship, we have the skill to adapt to any condition as long as it helps us avoid fear like being broke, hungry or homeless. You have the power to make that change and make it work. Quit before it grows on you.

8. Caring what other people think of you

In 20-25 years from now, you will massively regret the things you didn’t do because of the trivial opinions of others.

9. Oral hygiene

Oh, this one! Believe me, you don’t need anything written about it. Just take it for granted and do it.

10. Staying in touch with your grandparents

Also, take this for granted. When people get older, especially ones with many health problems, the clock is ticking short. Stay in touch with them, call them and talk to them at least few minutes a day.

11. Being scared to take risks

Calculated risks, of course. No gambling or unnecessary speeding.

12. Not realizing how beautiful you were

Hey, it’s life! As we get older we tend to get wrinkles, age spots and skin tags. Look yourself in the mirror because you won’t see that beauty in 30 years from now.

13. Not using sunscreen

Sunscreen can protect your youth and health from the excessive use of sun bathing.

14. Not learning through the youth

If you fall in love with learning, there is not a single chance that you will fail to realize your goals and vision.

15. Afraid to say “I love you.”

As you get older, you will realize that your insecurity of not being loved back is not that important. What’s important is that you express your emotions, especially the good ones like love.

16. Not listening to your parents’

When you become a parent, you will see that you teach your kids only what you think will help and protect them.

17. Helping other people build their dream instead of building yours

Don’t get me wrong. Supporting others is beautiful, but not at the cost of failing to pursue your dream.

18. Working way too much

This falls in the category of the top 5 regrets, also revealed by that same nurse. When you work too much the balance in your life gets disrupted which will affect your quality of life like spending time with your family.

19. Not being grateful enough

When you realize that your clock is truly ticking away your life it becomes clear that every moment on this earth — from the mundane to the amazing — is a gift that we’re all so incredibly lucky to share.

20. Spending your youth self-absorbed

The most important thing is not you. It’s the moments that YOU share with others that will make you a wonderful person to be around.

21. Not moving on fast enough

When you move slow, your life doesn’t. So get that turbo and make most out of your life right the hell now!

22. Holding grudges, especially with those you love

It’s the mental barrier that you don’t want to have. Just toss it away and don’t let it consume you.

23. Not standing up for yourself

The mental pain after is more damaging than the actual moment you chicken on someone. Don’t let that disgusting feeling be your daily routine.

24. Not volunteering enough (or ever)

The awesome feeling you get when you volunteer and not get anything in return is why you’ll still have faith in humanity when you get older.

25. Not learning how to cook

There is so much more to this than a plate of chicken. If you are not capable of cooking an awesome lemon shrimp pasta then you are not aging as you should.

26. Not stopping enough to appreciate the moment

Life now is hectic. So many things affect the present moment (like social networks) that we never even see it.

27. Failing to finish what you start

I can easily say that this is one of the top 3 reasons between failure and success.

28. Never mastering one awesome party trick

How awesome is the feeling you get when the trick you perform is making people believe in magic again?

29. Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations

Again, this one can destroy your life completely and will be one of the biggest regret when you get older.

30. Not playing with your kids enough

This may sound strange but the moment when your kids or nephews want to play with you will be instantly changed to “I want to stay in my room alone.”

31. Never taking a big risk in love

It can be terrifying to dive in a relationship. But if he/she is the right person for you have the courage to take down your shield and be vulnerable to them.

32. Not taking the time to develop contacts and network

This seems like a total crap when you are younger, but as you get older this is one of the most important thing in business.

33. Worrying too much

About 85 percent of the things people worry about never happen.

34. Getting caught up in needless drama

Unless you plan to be an actor, you don’t need it.. at all.

35. Not spending enough time with loved ones

Love and connection should be nurtured, especially if you want it to persist when you get older.

36. Never performing in front of others

Many elderly people wish they knew (just once) what it felt like to stand in front of a crowd and show off their talents.

37. Not keeping up with technology

Not knowing tech today can be considered as a disability. Keep up with that as it progresses.

Action Emotional Health Success

5 Things You Must Do To Uncover The Endless Potential That Is Slowly Dying In You

We are all limitless. Just like the pill Bradley Cooper swallows in the movie “Limitless”, we have endless potential resting inside us. But here comes the problem: we are so attached to laziness and comfort that we fail to realize that we need to do a lot crucial steps to take that potential inside out. That’s why we are easily consumed by the entertainment industry. If we want a hot meal on our lap we will order Dominos and it will be on the doorstep in less than 30 minutes. Easy-peasy.

Now more than ever, we have the biggest freedom of choice.

I’ve said this in one of my videos and I will say it again: I don’t really care that you use your freedom to play video games all day. I don’t care if you scroll on your smartphone through each and every social network, watching fun cats and dogs. I don’t care if you watch Netflix all day and just chill with few cans of beer and Doritos. What really grinds my gears is when you complain that you don’t have the job of your dreams, when you are not achieving your goals, that your life is not exciting, or that your life is not going according to your plan and as a result you are starting to be depressed.

I firmly believe, and I am a living proof that we have the utmost power to change our situation, no matter how hard it gets. We have the utmost power to get out of poverty and make millions. We have the utmost power lo leave a toxic relationship and shift our life 180 degrees for the better. We have the utmost power to stop being depressed in a blink of an eye. By doing the things I mentioned above, you will get depressed because depression is lacking the meaning of life. If you do nothing for a longer period of time, being depressed is inevitable. Also, giving your whole life to another person may result in depression if the other person leaves you.

There are many more ways you can be affected by depression, but I can almost guarantee you that if you have a clear goal which will consist of improving yourself and the people around you, you will never have a problem with depression again.

Our lack of direction, laziness and unfinished tasks is the foundation of permanent failure.

Everything can be changed in a blink of an eye, and that starts with your decision to get that resting potential out of you and paint the whole world with it.

5 Things You Must Do To Uncover The Endless Potential That Is Slowly Dying In You

Here are 5 things you must do to uncover the endless potential that is slowly dying in you:

1. Fix your thoughts

At first, this may seem like the most crappy thing to say to a person. However, this is the first and most powerful stepping stone in setting the pillars to shift your life.

When I first started mindfulness meditation, I was trying to calm myself. Little did I know that mediation and calmness were 2 different worlds (although after a while you will get calmer as a result of what I am about to say).

When I sat in those 15 minutes every morning, I was completely shocked to observe my thoughts. I came to a realization that I was obsessing myself with people and things that I haven’t see for months or even years! Here’s exactly what I thought about: “what did she mean when she said I won’t come with you? Okay why he didn’t wave me back yesterday? Maybe he was nervous because I didn’t greet him the other day. Okay I have to buy almond milk and taste it”. This was the thought pattern I had when I first started meditation. How on earth are you going to achieve greatness if you think irrelevant thoughts every 7 seconds? That’s just not possible. And I can almost guarantee that this is the thought pattern of 99% of the people in this world.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Try whatever habit suits your needs. Mindfulness meditation and few other strange habits helped me build my foundation of my thought pattern first so I could manifest them in physical reality.

Just please (I am begging you here) look at your own thoughts more than you look at others. This is the only path to discover your true self and make a drastic change within you.

2. Find your direction

Many of us roam aimlessly like nomads. I have personally asked everyone around me and only 3 out of 100 people have a sense of where they want to be in the next 5-10 years.

Most people live day by day. They don’t invest in themselves, nor in their financial freedom. Everything they know and live by is a mix-up of “he said she said” from those around them.

It’s really strange to me why people act like they are going to live forever? The most brutal and inspirational thing I’ve heard was “you are going to die and you don’t know when.” When I first heard this years ago, I couldn’t lie down and rest. I was forcing myself to do a lot more every day because the brutal truth is that we are all going to die one day. It is our obligation to leave positive mark on this world and leave it a bit better than before.

To find how we are going to do that takes a lot of trial and error. You are never born with a direction. You must jump from one job to another and never settle by any means necessary. When you find your purpose, the job you were “created” to work, your whole self will know it immediately.

When I first found out about the limitless potential online, and how many things you can connect and share your vision with the world, I was blown away!

So by any means necessary, never settle until you find the one job that will truly unlock your endless potential in you.

3. Take massive levels of action

We are very fluffy when it comes to action. Do 30 minutes of focused work and you are tired and distracted.

The brain is also a muscle like your biceps. The more you do it, the better you perform it. If you put yourself in the shoes of Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk for a week, I can guarantee you 2 things: heart attack and stroke. We are not on that level to put up with all that stress, obligation and action.

Motion determines emotion. If you want to destroy overthinking or even depression, the best cure is to do.

Humans were made to move. There are so many detrimental health effects of not moving, but today’s technology is moving so swiftly that we mostly lead sedentary lifestyle due to work. Overtime this can completely destroy our health and wellbeing.

By taking action, massive levels of action we are slowly digging our endless potential and we let it shine with the world. We must focus more on the external things in order to make our internal things better. This means that we must take action and put our skill out in the world in order to improve ourselves on personal and professional level. If you want to lose weight you are not going to lose by “thinking” about it. You are losing weight by eating less calories than you spend. If you want to improve your fitness level you exercise. You don’t think about exercising. Every change you want to make requires you to do stuff instead of thinking about doing.

When we focus too much internally we become consumed with ourselves. This can become really damaging because we are social creatures. When we focus externally we let our light shine with those around us by giving, sharing and helping others.

I highly suggest you to read 10X by uncle G. It will reveal to you the crucial importance of taking 10x more action. It is simply a brilliant book for anyone who want to do a lot more with the short time we are given on this Earth.

4. Don’t go by your emotions, understand them

On the road to your personal and professional fulfillment, you will be stressed, afraid, frustrated, anxious and what not. You are not going to be positive 24/7, or excited all the time.

There will be obstacles on the way that will frustrate the sh*t out of you, but it will require your persistence in order to overcome them. We can only continue and persist under difficult circumstances only if we tie our actions to a grand goal, or a vision.

Long time ago I heard a very successful dude say: your vision should be something that you cannot complete so it will push you to do a lot more than you goal.

For example: if you are in the weight loss industry your vision should be to make everyone fit. That is just impossible. But your goal should be something that you can achieve, for example: 1000 people fit thanks to your mentorship program.

Your road to success will be filled with many many negative emotions that will try to pull you down. Frustrations and stress are the most common that will eventually kill your short term motivation. In order to understand your emotions you will have to understand only one thing: you either run away from fear, or try to get quick pleasure. Let me give you a simple example:

If you have extra pounds (let’s just assume that) you are getting short term pleasure from the extra calories you take through the day. To lose the extra pounds you will have to go through hardship and stressful cravings to get long term pleasure of your fit body and more energy. Your emotions will tell you to grab that chocolate next to you because the more you do something, the more you strengthen the bond between the physical action and your brain. This is called neuroplasticity, and it’s actually brilliant. The more you do a simple task, the more it becomes ‘wired’ in your brain. So if you exercise every day you will get bound to it and it will get easier the more you do it. But this also means that if you eat chocolate every day, the more you will do it. The choice is yours.

You should understand your emotions. Not live by them.

5. Master your skill and update it

The last step is to master the skill. Whatever it is that you want to be in your life, you have to master it and update it consistently.

Especially if you are working online. In my case, Facebook algorithm has changed so many times that I couldn’t go a day without learning something new, or else I won’t keep up with the changes and be able to profit from it.

This goes for anything. Whether you’re in professional sports, marketing, or managing a website, you have to master it and update it every day.

We have to be better all the time. That’s how we grow. It’s okay to go one step back as long as you do three steps forward.

I personally made this mistake and it cost me a LOT. I created a business that was generating me enormous amount of money (one month I made 54.000$ which I speak more about in my course) and I was working 1 hour a day without upgrading the business and adding new branches to it. Then all of a sudden the algorithm changed and my business model completely collapsed like a house of cards. Then I had to find another way to do it and I did, but I potentially lost million bucks in two years because I thought I made it till the end line (which was one the biggest mistake I have made).

If you do something and follow these steps above, you are going to make it. I can guarantee you that. But the story doesn’t stop there. You have to improve it every day and grow it. Nurture it. If your energy is not into it, it will die eventually. No matter if it’s business, skill, or even a language.

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Emotional Health

Stay Away From Toxic People, Even If They Are Family

Toxicity can and should be avoided at all cost.

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.

If you are surrounded with negativity and pessimism, do not expect any different outcome from your life. Same goes for positivity and optimism: if you surround yourself with people that push you to do great things, you have a higher chance to achieve great things.

Many people know this. And yet they never seem to change their circle. Even if they do, they forget to put in the equation a very important variable = family.

I know. Some people may look at me like a villain now, but I am saying this for all the right reasons.

Stay Away From Toxic People, Even If They Are Family

Stay Away From Toxic People

Here’s how you can spot a toxic person, or an energy vampire and stay away from toxic people altogether:

They spread negativity in every form

If you really pay attention to the conversation between you and your toxic friends/family, you will start to notice the dark thoughts you are getting attacked from. How the government is stealing, how the weather is bad, or how every successful story was a strike of luck and overnight success… these are the common types of conversations you will hear.

They Only gossip

When was the last time a hearsay helped you become a better person, or improve your skill on your job? I can almost guarantee the answer would be “Never” to both questions. Toxic friends tend to gossip about each and everything, as long as it involves something other than themselves. When you think about it, saying something bad about another person tells a lot about you, instead of them. Never engage in hearsay conversations. Be fully conscious about what you speak and engage in from now on. This will save you a decades of wasted time.

They are draining you

If you still don’t believe in vibration and positivity, just sit with a toxic person and engage with them in a conversation for 1 hour. When they leave, you’ll almost feel as if your soul essence has left your body. I have personally been a part of these types of conversations and I really had no meaning of life afterwards. Not only that you shouldn’t engage with toxic people, but you should even avoid them for your own personal safety.

They get jealous.. a lot!

You found a new job? “Congratulations!” (followed by an evil professor smile)”I am so happy for you!” Who are you kidding? They will never give you a true support to lift your emotions higher, not to mention that they will never celebrate your victories truly from their soul. If they are not part of it, who cares, right?

They hate when you disagree with them

Ok, sometimes we have to stand our ground. If you agree with everything, then what the hell do you stand for? However, toxic friends tend to hate when you don’t engage “in the hate” with them. If you don’t agree that the government is responsible for your failures, and that you can actually pick your life and become a successful story no matter the circumstance, they get even more frustrated. They get furious, and they may even leave. If you don’t support their negative thinking, it’s you who’s wrong.

Let’s face it. In one single day you have limited time and energy. That’s why we sleep every night. To refresh the brain and bodies and start all over again (along with many scientific reasons ‘why we sleep’).

Your life depends on how you allocate your time and energy. Every morning I practice some unusual habits that lift me up even more and give me more energy. Then I start taking action according to my goals. If I engage in every negative conversation, watch the news all day and scroll on Facebook and Instagram, how on Earth am I going to be successful? I can easily say that being successful after doing these things mentioned goes against all the laws of nature and science.

It’s really, really important to take care of your own self. That is not selfish, but on the contrary. If you feel in control of your own self and do the things that you love, then you can share that love around you with your loved ones, friends and family. Think of it like this: “what if you felt love when you gave it”? That was awesome quote I heard today and it really inspired me to be the best dude I can ever be and help people as much as I can.

Bottom line is: what if you can limit, or delete the time you spend with your toxic friends and family? Then you can really focus on spending time to improve your life and surround yourself with great people that will lift you up instead of put you down. Isn’t that the truth?

Have a great day champs, and always remember to surround yourself with great, positive and optimistic people.

Emotional Health

10 Toxic Sentences You Keep Telling Yourself That Can Damage Your Character

Cogito ergo sum is a Latin philosophical proposition by René Descartes which translated to English is “I think, therefore I am“.

However, if your thoughts are negative, then you will fail to achieve anything in your life. Toxic thoughts will ruin all positive changes that can lead you to pure happiness. It is important to check yourself when you have such dark thoughts and get rid of them.


“There are two things we should always be 1. raw and 2. ready…Waiting for perfection is not an answer, one cannot say “I will be ready when I am perfect” because then you will never be ready, rather one must say “I am raw and I am ready just like this right now, how and who I am.
― C. JoyBell C.

You are the only person who is standing in your way. If you never try, you will never know.


Identify the root of this thought. Is it your subconscious mind or did someone put this thought in your head? If it’s the first, then you have to accept yourself first. There will obviously be things you don’t like about yourself. In order to improve, make a plan and work towards it instead of wallowing in self-pity. If the root is the second one, don’t bother about what others have to say about your progress. You do not need validation to be content.

You might find interesting: Nurse Revealed The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying


We are all children trapped in an adult body trying to find our way. It is okay to be overwhelmed by life’s uncertainties. This means you are alive. Do not carry the world upon your shoulder. ;Prioritize and act.

Life is hard for everybody, but be one of those people who don’t let that take them down.


It is not the destination but the journey that matters. Find happiness in small achievements – like making a meal for yourself, waking up early, going to the gym and so on. Set small goals and celebrate life. Do not let your happiness depend on a particular person or thing; instead, find it within you. Find it in the things you already have.


People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”  – Paulo Coelho

Dreams do not expire and age is just a number. Want your own business? Go ahead and start it. Always wanted to write a book? The time to start is right now! Transform your life and use each moment you got.


It is the lamest of all the excuses you provide to not do the things that count. 24 hours are more than enough if you don’t waste them. You need to make time for yourself and achieve your goals. Dedication and determination is the key to success.


This is a very self-destructive thought. It’s not that you are not good at anything, you just haven’t figured out yet what you are good at. List the things you enjoy doing and practice them to improve your skills. Do not compare yourself with others, just be the best version of yourself.


Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones.” ― John Lennon

The need to belong is natural. Be honest to yourself and the right people will accept you for it. You do not need approval of anyone but yourself. And remember, you are just perfect the way you are.


We hear the saying “failures are the pillars to success” and as difficult as it may be to accept it, it’s the truth. It is a proof that you tried. Take chances, try something new and do not stop until you are satisfied.


Nothing is impossible. You can do whatever you want if you work hard and have faith in yourself. Focus and be positive! Good things come to those who work hard!

Emotional Health

A Dying 24-Year-Old Has Life Advice You May Not Be Ready To Hear

If you just stop and think about your life and the life of everyone around you, you will notice that we all go through life unconsciously.

Are you really HERE in present time sucking up the beauty around you? The clear blue skies, the beautiful snowflakes falling from the sky? The naked trees undressed from the severe winter?

If we just stop and see every beauty around us, life is so much better than we perceive it.

Even worse, time is a lot shorter to some people. Who and what decides how much years we live is a big question mark, but each and every one of us has 24 hours in a day, and many of us just go through those hours wishing they end up faster. When we are kids, we want to grow up; when we are adults we can’t wait to retire, and when we retire we are so full of regret that it’s already too late to do the things we could. Even a nurse revealed the top 5 regrets of the dying, and you have to read that after!

Every now and then, people share their deathbed wishes, and many of them reveal few simple things we can do right now that will shift our life 180 degrees for the better.

The unnamed individual who goes by the username mylasttie posted his story on a Reddit thread. The message was so good, sad, and inspiring that it went immediately viral!

Read the young man’s letter, and please share this incredible message!

“I am only 24 years old, yet I have actually already chosen my last tie. It’s the one that I will wear on my funeral a few months from now. It may not match my suit, but I think it’s perfect for the occasion.

The cancer diagnosis came too late to give me at least a tenuous hope for a long life, but I realized that the most important thing about death is to ensure that you leave this world a little better than it was before you existed with your contributions. The way I’ve lived my life so far, my existence or more precisely the loss of it, will not matter because I have lived without doing anything impactful.

Before, there were so many things that occupied my mind. When I learned how much time I had left, however, it became clear which things are really important. So, I am writing to you for a selfish reason. I want to give meaning to my life by sharing with you what I have realized:

  • Don’t waste your time on work that you don’t enjoy. It is obvious that you cannot succeed in something that you don’t like. Patience, passion, and dedication come easily only when you love what you do.
  • It’s stupid to be afraid of others’ opinions. Fear weakens and paralyzes you. If you let it, it can grow worse and worse every day until there is nothing left of you, but a shell of yourself. Listen to your inner voice and go with it. Some people may call you crazy, but some may even think you‘re a legend.
  • Take control of your life Take full responsibility for the things that happen to you. Limit bad habits and try to lead a healthier life. Find a sport that makes you happy. Most of all, don’t procrastinate. Let your life be shaped by decisions you made, not by the ones you didn’t.
  • Appreciate the people around you Your friends and relatives will always be an infinite source of strength and love. That is why you shouldn’t take them for granted.

It is difficult for me to fully express my feelings about the importance of these simple realizations, but I hope that you will listen to someone who has experienced how valuable time is.

I’m not upset because I understand that the last days of my life have become meaningful. I only regret that I will not be able to see a lot of cool stuff that should happen soon like the creation of AI, or Elon Musk’s next awesome project. I also hope that the war in Syria and Ukraine will end soon.

We care so much about the health and integrity of our body that until death, we don’t notice that the body is nothing more than a box – a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs and intentions to this world. If there is nothing in this box that can change the world, then it doesn’t matter if it disappears. I believe that we all have potential, but it also takes a lot of courage to realize it.

You can float through a life created by circumstances, missing day after day, hour after hour. Or, you can fight for what you believe in and write the great story of your life. I hope you will make the right choice.

Leave a mark in this world. Have a meaningful life, whatever definition it has for you. Go towards it. The place we are leaving is a beautiful playground, where everything is possible. Yet, we are not here forever. Our life is a short spark in this beautiful little planet that flies with incredible speed to the endless darkness of the unknown universe. So, enjoy your time here with passion. Make it interesting. Make it count!

Thank you!”

This was an incredible message. Please SHARE it with your Friends and Family!