No, mentally strong people don’t have big biceps or pretty, sharp face. Mentally strong person can be 130 pounds man with a resilience of an ant. It can also be a 110 pound woman that is quieter than the anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis.
With so much information out there, sometimes it looks unbearable. Worldwide pandemic is soaring while they’re bombarding us with “second wave” pandemic this winter. Parents are getting fired and families are starving. There is so much going on that we can’t even begin to think positive about something.
However, let me break it all to you. A single person has the power to change the entire world. The willingness and desire we have can pierce through mountains and make create new roads when they don’t exist. We can pave the jungles, beat the unbeatable and create things that don’t exist! Each and every one of these things were made by mentally strong people who refused to back down.
If Thomas Edison said f*ck it and threw the project for the light bulb in his first failed attempt, we would still light up candles in the night. He had over 1.000 failed attempts to invent the light bulb. Can you even imagine?! We don’t even have the patience to count to 1.000!
Whenever you are on the brick to giving up, just remember that mentally strong people would never do these 6 things:

Yes, every sane person would say that things are not going well around the globe, especially after the pandemic at the beginning of this year. But if you are healthy and breathing, sitting on your phone or PC, you have a lot more than most people!
Things can be a lot worse then they are right now for you as individual and for the world in general. If you just Google the deadliest world events, you will be realize of how lucky you are right now.
As humans, we have the tendency to think negative and find what’s not right about our situation in this exact moment. That’s not necessarily bad because we are naturally pushing ourselves to take action and improve. But I’ve come with a solution that can make you think positive and push yourself to do better. I strongly suggest you to read this article after this one and answer the self-reflection questions I have posted there.
You can really explain this with a single phrase: don’t do it, it’s a one way street.
Every time you compare yourself to others, you waste precious energy focusing on other peoples’ lives rather than your own. Comparisons often result in resentment towards others and ourselves. Comparisons deprive us of joy.
When you put your mind on other person, you deplete yourself of the energy that can help you improve yourself on personal and professional level.
Comparing is often materialistic and yes, while it’s better to cry in a Ferrari, materialistic things cannot make you happy. Period. Studies even confirm it.
The pursuit and purchase of physical possessions will never fully satisfy our desire for happiness. It may result in temporary joy for some people, but the happiness found in buying a new item rarely lasts longer than a few days. Researchers even have a phrase for this temporary fulfillment: retail therapy.
It’s been few months since my grandfather died, but I will always remember what he said one day. He rushed in my room, looked at my PC when I was struggling to write or fix something on my website and told me: nephew, you have to go out and find a job. You should stop playing these games all day. I laughed the crap out of me that day because I kind of realized that people around me, especially older relatives, will never appreciate what I do. Well, not until I brought 54.000$ at home one month (which I explain how in my VIP Hall Pass membership and my course).
I used to struggle for 2 years not knowing if I was going to make a buck or not. Friends were talking behind my back, my family was against each bit of what I did but I never, not once, gave up on my dream.
The reason why I am saying this is because I know that you can do whatever you want to do, as long as you have burning desire and resilience to do it.
People will always be against you, especially in the beginning. Do not let this ruin your process and make you wave your white flag.
Seriously, today the world is so volatile that you can barely control global things. If your business was physical, you’d be broke after what happened with the world this year.
Every regular Joe would bump his head in the wall, but not mentally strong people.
We really have 2 options available: either cry and find excuses why bad things only happen to us, or adapt to the situation and even improve a lot more than before.
When you really think about your life, you can be struck by very great and on the contrary, horrible things, but how you act upon those changes will determine the outcome of your life.
I read something the other day that really changed my life and you really need to pay attention to this: your past is your teacher, and it will never go away until you learn the lesson.
How mind-blowing is that!! I really see it like an old person above my head repeating a sentence that I should engrave in my mind.
My mother passed away when I was 18 years old and that moment was really haunting me for a long time.
Fast forward years later, I finally realized that I am truly grateful to her for making me the person that I am today and that part of her will never die. It took me 10 years to finally realize that, and I feel so much relieved ever since. I only have gratefulness and appreciation for making me this stubborn dude that never wants to give up.
Don’t avoid your past, but look right through your painful memories and truly, from the bottom of your heart, try to learn the lesson that will help you out in the present and future.
I don’t want to remind you again, but if you are healthy and have a roof over your head, you are way ahead of most people in the entire world. Do not miss a single day appreciating that.
I think this is the MOST important step of all, and I put it last because I want you to self-reflect on all 6 things after this.
Major changes require drastic measures. I know that there is a thing right now that you don’t like about your life. Just take a second and think about that. I am not going anywhere.
Okay, now that you know what’s the thing that doesn’t fit in your life, now brainstorm ideas that will help you change that thing. Let me help you out.
The people that you surround yourself with have A LOT to do with how your life will untangle. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you are surrounded with negative and pessimistic people, do not expect you to be any different.
I would highly suggest you to change your environment. For me it worked by putting myself in quarantine 7 years ago (before it was cool) and separating from all the negativity around me. By avoiding most contact with people helped me realize who I was. Drastic changes were made and stunning outcomes were created.
No matter your circumstance or situation, the way you react on things defines you as an individual. Remember: not the things that happen to you, but how you act upon the things that happen to you.
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