Emotional Health

Stay Away From Toxic People, Even If They Are Family

Let me give you a FREE GIFT!

And many more in the upcoming weeks

Toxicity can and should be avoided at all cost.

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.

If you are surrounded with negativity and pessimism, do not expect any different outcome from your life. Same goes for positivity and optimism: if you surround yourself with people that push you to do great things, you have a higher chance to achieve great things.

Many people know this. And yet they never seem to change their circle. Even if they do, they forget to put in the equation a very important variable = family.

I know. Some people may look at me like a villain now, but I am saying this for all the right reasons.

Stay Away From Toxic People, Even If They Are Family

Stay Away From Toxic People

Here’s how you can spot a toxic person, or an energy vampire and stay away from toxic people altogether:

They spread negativity in every form

If you really pay attention to the conversation between you and your toxic friends/family, you will start to notice the dark thoughts you are getting attacked from. How the government is stealing, how the weather is bad, or how every successful story was a strike of luck and overnight success… these are the common types of conversations you will hear.

They Only gossip

When was the last time a hearsay helped you become a better person, or improve your skill on your job? I can almost guarantee the answer would be “Never” to both questions. Toxic friends tend to gossip about each and everything, as long as it involves something other than themselves. When you think about it, saying something bad about another person tells a lot about you, instead of them. Never engage in hearsay conversations. Be fully conscious about what you speak and engage in from now on. This will save you a decades of wasted time.

They are draining you

If you still don’t believe in vibration and positivity, just sit with a toxic person and engage with them in a conversation for 1 hour. When they leave, you’ll almost feel as if your soul essence has left your body. I have personally been a part of these types of conversations and I really had no meaning of life afterwards. Not only that you shouldn’t engage with toxic people, but you should even avoid them for your own personal safety.

They get jealous.. a lot!

You found a new job? “Congratulations!” (followed by an evil professor smile)”I am so happy for you!” Who are you kidding? They will never give you a true support to lift your emotions higher, not to mention that they will never celebrate your victories truly from their soul. If they are not part of it, who cares, right?

Let me give you a FREE GIFT!

And many more in the upcoming weeks

They hate when you disagree with them

Ok, sometimes we have to stand our ground. If you agree with everything, then what the hell do you stand for? However, toxic friends tend to hate when you don’t engage “in the hate” with them. If you don’t agree that the government is responsible for your failures, and that you can actually pick your life and become a successful story no matter the circumstance, they get even more frustrated. They get furious, and they may even leave. If you don’t support their negative thinking, it’s you who’s wrong.

Let’s face it. In one single day you have limited time and energy. That’s why we sleep every night. To refresh the brain and bodies and start all over again (along with many scientific reasons ‘why we sleep’).

Your life depends on how you allocate your time and energy. Every morning I practice some unusual habits that lift me up even more and give me more energy. Then I start taking action according to my goals. If I engage in every negative conversation, watch the news all day and scroll on Facebook and Instagram, how on Earth am I going to be successful? I can easily say that being successful after doing these things mentioned goes against all the laws of nature and science.

It’s really, really important to take care of your own self. That is not selfish, but on the contrary. If you feel in control of your own self and do the things that you love, then you can share that love around you with your loved ones, friends and family. Think of it like this: “what if you felt love when you gave it”? That was awesome quote I heard today and it really inspired me to be the best dude I can ever be and help people as much as I can.

Bottom line is: what if you can limit, or delete the time you spend with your toxic friends and family? Then you can really focus on spending time to improve your life and surround yourself with great people that will lift you up instead of put you down. Isn’t that the truth?

Have a great day champs, and always remember to surround yourself with great, positive and optimistic people.