Some things take WAY too much of your energy and here are 9 things you should delete from your life immediately!
Long life is a short ride. Things happen so fast that we barely have the influence to change them. How we react to the changes, and the proactive choices that we make determines our future.
Many of us fall in emotional or physical traps. These traps prevent us from improving ourselves on personal and professional level. For example, if you focus on things that you don’t have, how will that turn out for you? Not so good, right?
However, there is a fix for these things, and it starts within ourselves.
Here are 9 things you should delete out of your life immediately:

Let’s expand what we just mentioned above.
Too many people focus on what they don’t have, right? I can even get myself caught in this trap too.
Bigger house, yacht, boats, exclusive vacations, more money… the list can go for days.
By focusing on things you don’t have you create a vortex for your energy. It is of vital importance to focus your energy on things you CAN do. No matter how small steps you take, each step will get you closer to the goal, even closer to the things you still don’t have.
Be grateful, truly grateful for what you have right now because what you have is SCIENCE FICTION for some people that don’t even have access to clean water.
Welcome failure, champs! Failure is the best teacher that will tutor you through life.
Too many people don’t do things because they are afraid to fail, and there can’t be growth without failure. Just like there can’t be happiness without sadness and joy without sorrow.
As a matter of fact, many people mistake fear with danger. The difference is pretty simple: if a lion charges at you, you have a real danger to be afraid. Many people confuse that it’s “dangerous” to go up on stage and speak, or ask some people for advice. Fear is just a made-up emotion we use to cave in and justify why we can’t do something.
These things don’t exist. Period.
Yes, the feeling is warm and cozy when you wrap around a warm blanket at home. You can order whatever you want and you’ll get it on your doorstep in no time.
What we fail to realize is that one day we are going to die. If you are okay with dying without making big, positive impact to the world, your family and those around you, then risk-taking and excitement is not for you.
Must-Read: Nurse Revealed The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying

Are you afraid of being alone? Let me break it to you: it’s x10 better to be alone then waste your time in toxic relationships.
This doesn’t include romantic relationships only. It includes friends, relatives and co-workers.
You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you spend your time with 5 sh*tty friends, you will be the 6th.
Surround yourself with people that will support you. They don’t have to “adore” you and “compliment” you while they throw tons of s*it behind your back. Simply, they need to make you feel better when you leave their presence, not worse.
Don’t expect someone to tap your shoulder every time you do something. I was personally lonelier than a nomad! Seven years back, I started working online, completely alone! No one believed in me, people talked behind my back and my family was telling me to get a “real” job. If I waited for a tap on the shoulder, I would end up working 9-5 job that I hate.
Don’t let the support that you don’t receive make you forfeit from your dreams.
Everywhere I go people talk about other people. And what’s even worse is that those same people that gosip and FAR from perfect themselves. And when I say far I mean continents far!
Small minded people talk about other people, average minds discuss about events, and big minded people talk about ideas.
Don’t do it because everyone else does it. Change the conversation, start a positive narrative. Most people wouldn’t accept you because you don’t fill their empty mouth that feeds with shallow judgement. It’s okay to be alone for a while, until the right people gravitate in your life, and believe me… they will!
People have a hard time accepting this, and you might be one of them too: you are the only one that should be blamed for your failures. Your childhood and your past do not define your future.
It is entirely true to say that we are carved by the events in our past, but it’s also true to say that your identity is ever changing! You have the wheel to steer your life in whatever direction you want.
If you focus on finding excuses instead of solutions, I will tell this straight to your face: you are going to end up as a failure and a miserable person.
Remember – when you point your finger at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you.
I was stuck in this trap for a long time…
My previous mindset was that I thought that if I earned a number “say 12.000$ a month” that I made it! I can lie on the beach with an icy cold margarita next to me for the rest of my life. That was one of the biggest mistakes (and best teacher) that taught me that it’s very wrong to think in terms of end result.
Instead, we should acknowledge that what we do is never-ending! For people who chase comfort and safety this might be a little too much to handle, but I can assure you that if you see your life as a journey instead of an end goal, you will have an amazing shift of perspective for the better.
You won’t chase something that would end, but you would enjoy the course of events as they go.

I read something the other day that really changed my life and you really need to pay attention to this: your past is your teacher, and it will never go away until you learn the lesson.
How mind-blowing is that!! I imagine this like an old person looking down at me repeats a sentence that I should engrave in my mind.
My mother passed away when I was 18 years old and that moment was really haunting me for a long time.
Fast forward years later, I finally realized that I am truly grateful to her for making me the person that I am today and that part of her will never die. It took me 10 years to finally realize that, and I feel so much relieved ever since. I only have gratefulness and appreciation for making me this stubborn dude that never wants to give up.
Don’t avoid your past, but look right through your painful memories and truly, from the bottom of your heart, try to learn the lesson that will help you out in the present and future.
I don’t want to remind you again, but if you are healthy and have a roof over your head, you are way ahead of most people in the entire world. Do not miss a single day appreciating that.
Read After: Mentally Strong People Never Do These 6 Things