As I was running this morning, I created the perfect scenario in my head: what if everyone was happy? What if everyone was happy by taking action to achieve their personal and financial goals? What if everyone was financially independent and didn’t have the burden of debt and foreclosure?
While that’s an impossible scenario it got me thinking: what do people do to be happy most of their time? How different do they perceive things?
It’s no mistake that our feelings are based on the things we do, but how would you sparkle a desired in someone to take action and chase their dreams?
In my videos, I always speak about the importance of taking action, but I rarely speak about the crucial precedents of taking action in the physical reality.
Some people may have it more natural than others, but this doesn’t mean that we can’t wire ourselves to take action and feel amazing most of the time.
Three people facing the same problem can react completely different. One can be extremely pissed, the second can be a little nervous, and the third can find solution while being enthusiastic in the process. The question is: why can one person react so much different than the others, while having the same exact problem?

The answer lies in the questions
The internal questions we ask ourselves have enormous power and influence over our lives. Let’s take an example: if two people want to lose weight and one succeeds to do so, huge part of it is due to the internal questions they ask themselves. If you ask yourselves “What type of food would make me full?” or “What is the sweetest food I can eat that will make me lose weight?” then you are going to be asserted to eat food with even more sugar and carbs, but if you ask yourselves “What type of food would provide me with the nutrients that I truly need?” or “What type of healthy food should I eat to have more energy?” will assert you to eat healthier food that will result in losing the extra weight.
The same goes for the three people that were facing the same exact problem. They were all feeling different about it based on the question they asked themselves. The extremely pissed dude was probably asking himself “Why am I so unlucky?”. The guy that was little nervous probably asked himself “Why did this happen to me?”, while the third person asked himself “How can I solve this problem while being enthusiastic in the process?”. You will instantly see who can solve the problem, based on these questions.
If we know all this, why don’t we fix the internal questions that we ask ourselves every day?
Yesterday I wrote about the simple trick will instantly make your life 1000x better, but I didn’t cover the questions we should be asking every morning.
The morning is the most important part of the day. It’s part of the day that we wire ourselves to do better or worse. Many of the people (and unfortunately this may include you) ask themselves: what’s new on social media? and then they grab the phones and scroll for 30 minutes straight. The answer to this question is not going to help you on personal or professional level.
Every morning, there’s a simple scheme of questions we should be asking ourselves. These questions will make you happier, thankful and grateful human being every day. This way you can wire yourself to ask better questions that will ease your problem solving formula and enjoy the process. If you have a hard time finding answers, add “can I” in the questions. For example if the questions is “for what am I happy right now?” rephrase it “for what can I be happy right now?”. This should be used only if you can’t find an answer.
Everyone Wants To Be Happy But No One Asks These 7 Questions
- Why am I happy in my life right now? What in my life makes me happy? How does that make me feel?
- Why am I excited in my life right now? What in my life makes me excited? How does that make me feel?
- For what am I most proud of in my life right now? What in my life makes me proud? How does that make me feel?
- What am I thankful for in my life right now? What in my life makes me thankful? How does that make me feel?
- In what do I enjoy most in my life right now? What in my life makes me joyful? How does that make me feel?
- What do I strive for in my life right now? What do I aspire to do in my life? How does that make me feel?
- Who do I love? Who loves me back? What about that person makes me be full of love? How does that make me feel?
Originally taken from Tony Robbins – Awaken The Giant Within these questions can truly help us make a drastic change for the better. If you constantly answer these questions every day, you will notice that you’ll start to feel happier, more fulfilled, excited, proud, thankful and loved.
Do not take thees questions for granted. Answer them every morning until they become your daily ritual.