Action Emotional Health Science & Psychology Success

How To Stop Being Tired All The Time

Hey champs, my name is Nick and today we are going to talk about how to increase your energy (something that might look like science fiction to you now) but it’s not that complicated after all.

If you are feeling tired ALL THE TIME, this video AND smashing that like button is definitely for you! And if you really don’t want to feel tired, make sure to smash that Subscribe button too, because I have a lot of good news in the next videos for you.

First of all what is the difference between you and Jeff Bezos, or what is the difference between you and Elon Musk? We all have 24 hours and, we can all earn 180 billion dollars, and we can all move to Mars, right? Well, not really. The difference between you and them is that you are constantly tired and you can’t invent those rocket ships and generate billions of dollars in income.

These days there is a MASSIVE confusion between having energy and preserving energy. We watch Netflix all day and we spend massive amount of time on social media. When it’s time to stand up and complete an important task, bam…. we have no energy.

How come we are low on energy when we spend our whole morning AND evening doing nothing but laying in bed and basically preserving every atom of energy? And on top of that, we wake up each morning feeling like we’ve been hit by a truck.

Many things come into play when it comes to general fatigue and tiredness and this does not involve chronic fatigue syndrome and SEID which affects million of people in the US alone.

This involves general tiredness which mostly people feel by not having healthier habits and clear vision for their life.

There are many habits that MUST be changed before we get that booming energy which we are going to discuss later, but first let’s explain why you are feeling tired ALL. THE. FREAKING. TIME.

As people, we have a hard time understanding paradox, right? Like beginning of an end, or knowing that we know nothing. Same goes for energy: we have more energy, by doing more things! Let me explain.

If you have a clear vision of what you want to be in the future all you need to do is take action. But that is easier said than done, and thanks to science, we now know the harsh road.

If you haven’t heard about neuroplasticity, you’ve been missing out a lot.

The more you do something, the more you strengthen the bond between the physical action and your brain. This is called neuroplasticity, and it’s actually brilliant. The more you do something, the more it becomes ‘wired’ in your brain. So, let’s say, if you exercise every day you will get bound to it and it will get easier the more you do it. But this also means that if watch Netflix every day, the more you will do it. The choice is yours.

However, we didn’t say what this has to do with having more energy, but first let’s go back to evolution.

Long time ago our lifestyle involved of us moving almost constantly. We had to hunt for food, gather and do all the chores necessary in order to survive. All we should do now involves us picking up the phone, calling our favorite pizza company and getting the food on our doorstep in no time. No wonder why we are so lazy now…

Evolution has made human to move, almost necessary. We can only Google the detrimental health effects of leading a sedentary lifestyle and everything becomes clear as day. Ok, let me do you a favor by explaining just some of them:

  1. Weight gain. Weight brings it’s own nasty problems, so a sedentary lifestyle has obvious health risks like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The more weight you gain the harder your heart has to work. Your heart is a muscle, and the less it works, the weaker it becomes.
  2. Loss of Flexibility. Blood doesn’t flow as freely through tight, bound muscles. Inflammation and pain rear their ugly heads as flexibility is lost. The more sitting you do, the more your hip flexors and low back become particularly tight. Your abs and glutes also become weaker.
  3. Lower Metabolism. A sedentary lifestyle means fewer calories burned. A lot of your body’s ability to break down fat simply shuts down.
  4. Osteoporosis. Here’s a not-so-obvious health risk. Your body and muscles are made to move. Your bones are made to bear the weight of movement to stay strong. A sedentary lifestyle or too sitting and inactivity can lead to osteoporosis.
  5. Increased Chances of Dementia, Depression, and Anxiety. The mind is more linked to the lack of moving than most realize, especially in the elderly. But you don’t have to become elderly before you feel the negative harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the mind.

Just by reading these scientific facts, it’s not hard to realize that we were made to MOVE, right? Our bodies work in perfect sync when we move, rather than when we lie down in bed and watch Netflix.

Even with the Neolithic Revolution or so-called the Agricultural Revolution, we still had to do a lot of physical work in order to grow the crops, protect them and stash them.

What happened that changed everything was the invention of the microchip, or to be more precise, the consequence of the microchip, which was the Digital Age. Of course, everything was done for all the right reasons, like not having to send out letters that would arrive in 2 weeks. But as a consequence of everything becoming so easy, we are taking many necessary things for granted, like exercise, food, or being spiritually fulfilled.

We made it pretty clear that we have to move for the body to function properly, and this in turn will give us MORE energy instead of making us tired.

When was the last time you felt that breeze of energy in the morning? That burst of alertness and agility? I can almost guess that it was some upcoming presentation, performance or you being happy like a little kid to do something you are really passionate about.

When we love the work, the relationship, the hobbies and all the tasks in our daily routine, we will have more energy, than doing something we hate. It’s only logical. Loving what we do gives us inspiration to turn that TV off, get our buttocks up, and take some form of physical action, like you pushing that Like button and Subscribing on my YouTube Channel.

By doing more, we have more energy… we covered that. But there are 2 more things we must do if we want to really delete that general tiredness that is slowly taking our time away, the only resource we cannot get back.

The second thing is nutrition

Your body is your temple. If you don’t take care of it, you are going to face tremendous health problems.

Sometimes I wonder how on Earth our bodies can process all those burgers and pizzas… not to mention all the booze. But when someone gets ill because of their own choices, everything becomes clear.

So what is really healthy nutrition?

Healthy diet is not about severe restriction and limitations, or depriving yourself of all the tasty things in the world. It’s about feeling truly alive, energized and great in every aspect.

And the thing is, it’s not very complicated. If you are one of those people who had WAYY to many opinions about what you should and shouldn’t eat, you are not alone, believe me. Some food “gurus” will tell you to eat something, while others will tell you the complete opposite.

The truth is that healthy diet consist of real food, instead of the processed junk food we are used to eat every day. Eating food that is as close as possible to the way nature made it can make a huge difference to the way you think, look, and feel. And you don’t have to deprive yourself of that junk food forever and ever…. you just have to pay attention to your overall diet. That’s why we invented cheat meals!

By using these simple tips, you can cut through the confusion and learn how to create—and stick to—a tasty, varied, and nutritious diet that is as good for your mind as it is for your body.

While some extreme diets may suggest otherwise, we all need a balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals in our diets to sustain a healthy body. You don’t need to eliminate certain categories of food from your diet, but rather select the healthiest options from each category.

The last one is: Stay Physically Active

For some people this is the worst type of conversation. They run away from exercise like the plague. But exercise is really, REALLY vital to our well-being. Plus who doesn’t want that stunning summer body?

  • Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind. Exercising causes the body to make chemicals so-called endorphins that can help a person feel good. Exercise also help people sleep better, and yes, putting that phone down at night also helps you sleep better. Exercise can also help some people who have mild depression and low self-esteem. Plus, exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a goal — like beating an old time for a 5 mile run.
  • Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. Exercising regularly lowers a person’s risk of developing some diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Also, if you want that stunning hot body turning heads every summer, exercise will help you do that too.

Now that we know the benefits, WHAT DO WE DO?? Join the gym, go for a run…. what? I personally used to exercise in the gym and then I started kick-boxing… so that seems to be working pretty well for me for the last 14 years. Also, calisthenics, running and hiking seem to be working out pretty well too.

When it comes to health, I would suggest you to go for a run or join the local gym and start from there. I truly hope you can find yourself in some sport because it will prolong your life, give you more energy and simply make you look stunning hot.

Final words

Just because we didn’t mention drinking water, getting enough sunlight and sleep we should avoid them. I just think the ones we mentioned are far more easily forgotten than the rest, and we should be reminded of them every once in a while.

Being tired most of the time is really blocking you from achieving many wonderful things in your life. With a little shift of perspective and mental effort, we can all change our lives, live better, and help this world be a better place.

I read a very interesting quote the other day in a book about nutrition and health. It explained that the lifespan expands all the time, but that doesn’t mean that people live more quality lives now. We can prolong our lives with pills and medications, but it’s really about the quality in the years. I am not saying we should all die young and happy. I am saying that by doing these things we wouldn’t need the pills and medications to live long and happy life.

Emotional Health Science & Psychology

Psychologists Reveal: Apply This 2-hour Rule and Your Life Will Change 180°

Throughout history, many individuals made a big difference in this world.

  • Mother Teresa – Charity worker who devoted life to serving the poor and destitute.
  • Charles Darwin – Credited with theory of evolution and natural selection.
  • Galileo Galilei – Scientist who made discoveries about the galaxy and stuck to his principles.
  • Albert Einstein – Scientist and peace advocate.
  • Dalai Lama – Spiritual leader of the Tibetans, helped popularise principles of Buddhism.

The list can go for miles, but let’s focus on what these people had in common to make that worldwide difference? Why are they different than us?

According to psychologists “Reflective Thinking” is one of the pillars of self-improvement, and that’s exactly what these people in the list above had in them that makes a distinction from the rest.

Psychologists Reveal: Apply This 2-hour Rule and Your Life Will Change 180°
Psychologists Reveal: Apply This 2-hour Rule and Your Life Will Change 180° Image source: MaxPixel


When things don’t turn out as we expected, or as we famously say “when the sh*t hits the fan” what’s the course of action that we take? The truth is that most people will easily find thousands of excuses instead of looking for solutions.

The secret of reflective thinking is looking the solution in you instead of looking it outside of you – in external factors.

I know that many will say that self-focus can be narcissistic and destructive force for us, but that’s not the case. As a matter of fact, psychological research shows that it is a critical component of positive change in life. A variety of theories on self-regulation emphasize that change requires two things: a goal, and an awareness of where ‘one’ currently is in order to assess the discrepancy between the two.

The conclusion is that if you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up nowhere.

Reflective thinking offers solution through your eyes and perception.


According to some experts, the 2 hour rule might be the solution to every problem.

Two hours might seem like a long span of time, but if you separate 2 hours a week, more or less you’ll have only 15-20 minutes a day.

So here’s how you perform it: when you get back home from work, remove all distractions. When I say all, I mean everything, including phones, tablets and noises. For this awesome exercise, you’ll need a pen and a paper.

Here are a few questions Zat Rana reflect on:

  • Am I excited to be doing what I’m doing or am I in aimless motion?
  • Are the trade-offs between work and my relationships well-balanced?
  • How can I speed up the process from where I am to where I want to go?
  • What big opportunities am I not pursuing that I potentially could?
  • What’s a small thing that will produce a disproportionate impact?
  • What could probably go wrong in the next 6 months of my life?

Zat Rana states on Business Insider:

“I can quite honestly say that this is the highest return activity in my life. It forces me to balance the short-term with the long-term. I catch problem before they become problems, and I’ve stumbled onto efficiencies and ideas that I wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

Interestingly enough, much of the value doesn’t come out of the routine questions, but from the time I have left after I run out of things to think about. It’s when I let my mind wander.

I’m not one for easy one-size-fits-all solutions, but this is an idea that I think can serve a lot of people well. We all think, of course, but not all of us do so deliberately and without distractions and guilt.

There is immense value in leaving time for that.”


If you are honest, how many trivial things did you do today, yesterday, and the week before that? If an average person spends 2 hours and 22 minutes a day on social networking, taking out 15-20 minutes a day to solve the biggest problems in your life is not much of an ask, right?!

Trust me. If you try this, solutions will flow like never before. Also, make sure that you write everything in the notebook (or paper) because once you have your thoughts in writing, magical things can happen! Just try this and see for yourself!

If you think this article can help someone, please SHARE it with your Friends and Family!

Emotional Health Science & Psychology

A Harvard Research Reveals the Key Factor to Living Long and Happy Life

There is a certain part of us that constantly nags us to go outside. In the 21st century, we have lost touch with the outside world, and with our own selves too. Delving deep into the escape of social media, we haven’t stopped to reflect in ages. We are constantly running, perpetually tired, always looking to find a hide-out.

Most of us consider the mountains, or a vast natural space, as a calm and quiet getaway. But the aesthetic aspect of it is not its only selling point.

A Harvard research study reveals that green zones are of great advantage to women, and as a result it even promotes the longevity of their lifespan.


The entire research consists of 108,630 female respondents. The examiners took into account certain common measurement criterion, such as: the amount of nature that surrounds them at a 250-meter radius. They also took into account the death rates in their families, and the probable causes for the same.

The result that they found is a city dweller’s nightmare.

The people who reported the most amount of greenery, were twelve percent less likely to die faster than people who had no greenery surrounding them. That is a huge percentage when it comes to calculating mortal rates. Some of the diseases that they are exempt from are fairly common ones such as kidney problems, respiratory impairments, and also the deadly cancer.


What is the science behind these statistics and how does it come to play?

This has a lot to do with the low levels of pollutants that these women seem to encounter on a daily basis. In the city, if a bus has run rushed past you, it will take you some time to clearly see the face of the person on the other side.

In fact, it isn’t just the pollution. Even levels of depression take a serious hit when nature comes to the rescue. How this works is:

1. If you have a beautiful locality, then you are bound to step out. None of us want to frolic in a concrete jungle. And more importantly, you do not see people playing Frisbee in your parking lot.

2. When you are steeped in sunshine, vitamin D seeps into your body. Depression is fueled by the lack or low levels of it.

3. It just provides for a much happier and calmer mindset. The community feelings are much more developed, and people find it easier to bond with their neighbors, than in the alienated city environment. Obviously, togetherness helps your mental condition in many ways.

4. Even a portrait of a scenery is bound to trigger some very positive and happy responses in our brain. Imagine actually getting to live that dream in blood and flesh.

5. In a well-developed green zone, the area will be much better planned. There will be impeccable trails where children can ride their bike, or adults can get going for a jogging session. It just promotes your standard of life and well being.

6. Plants aid in curbing the pollutants, and the city is nowhere around to augment the smog and contribute to the diseases.

Read after: 15 Morning Habits of Successful and Highly Organized People


If you have natural grounds around you, then make good use of it! Most of us are not blessed with such resources. If you look out of your window and see green trees, then you’re already in the one percentile of people who are close to a natural sphere. Build trails, indulge in the maintenance of these zones, form community organizations, participate in supplementing the resources by planting new trees, etc.

Do not take nature for granted. It will reward you bountifully.