Emotional Health Science & Psychology

A Harvard Research Reveals the Key Factor to Living Long and Happy Life

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There is a certain part of us that constantly nags us to go outside. In the 21st century, we have lost touch with the outside world, and with our own selves too. Delving deep into the escape of social media, we haven’t stopped to reflect in ages. We are constantly running, perpetually tired, always looking to find a hide-out.

Most of us consider the mountains, or a vast natural space, as a calm and quiet getaway. But the aesthetic aspect of it is not its only selling point.

A Harvard research study reveals that green zones are of great advantage to women, and as a result it even promotes the longevity of their lifespan.


The entire research consists of 108,630 female respondents. The examiners took into account certain common measurement criterion, such as: the amount of nature that surrounds them at a 250-meter radius. They also took into account the death rates in their families, and the probable causes for the same.

The result that they found is a city dweller’s nightmare.

The people who reported the most amount of greenery, were twelve percent less likely to die faster than people who had no greenery surrounding them. That is a huge percentage when it comes to calculating mortal rates. Some of the diseases that they are exempt from are fairly common ones such as kidney problems, respiratory impairments, and also the deadly cancer.


What is the science behind these statistics and how does it come to play?

This has a lot to do with the low levels of pollutants that these women seem to encounter on a daily basis. In the city, if a bus has run rushed past you, it will take you some time to clearly see the face of the person on the other side.

In fact, it isn’t just the pollution. Even levels of depression take a serious hit when nature comes to the rescue. How this works is:

1. If you have a beautiful locality, then you are bound to step out. None of us want to frolic in a concrete jungle. And more importantly, you do not see people playing Frisbee in your parking lot.

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2. When you are steeped in sunshine, vitamin D seeps into your body. Depression is fueled by the lack or low levels of it.

3. It just provides for a much happier and calmer mindset. The community feelings are much more developed, and people find it easier to bond with their neighbors, than in the alienated city environment. Obviously, togetherness helps your mental condition in many ways.

4. Even a portrait of a scenery is bound to trigger some very positive and happy responses in our brain. Imagine actually getting to live that dream in blood and flesh.

5. In a well-developed green zone, the area will be much better planned. There will be impeccable trails where children can ride their bike, or adults can get going for a jogging session. It just promotes your standard of life and well being.

6. Plants aid in curbing the pollutants, and the city is nowhere around to augment the smog and contribute to the diseases.

Read after: 15 Morning Habits of Successful and Highly Organized People


If you have natural grounds around you, then make good use of it! Most of us are not blessed with such resources. If you look out of your window and see green trees, then you’re already in the one percentile of people who are close to a natural sphere. Build trails, indulge in the maintenance of these zones, form community organizations, participate in supplementing the resources by planting new trees, etc.

Do not take nature for granted. It will reward you bountifully.

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